Special: What Happened at the Gandour Factories in 1972?
Micha Tobia
Original Date
February 23, 2020
The November 1972 strike at the Gandour biscuits and chocolate factory are considered to be the culmination of workers' struggles and the power of the Lebanese trade unions. But what happened then? And did the movement succeed?
Sources & Future References
Atallah, N. February 15, 2020. 'Lebanese protests : the missing trade unions.' Le Commerce du Levant.
Bou Khater, L. 2015. 'Public sector mobilisation despite a dormant workers’ movement'
Khalaf, S. 2002. ’Civil and Uncivil violence in Lebanon’
Traboulsi, F. 2012. "A History of Modern Lebanon"
Tufaro, R. ’Historical Mapping of Lebanese Organized Labor’
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Instagram: @michatobia
Website: https://mashallahnews.com/
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