Art Historian Hannah Feldman [afikra Conversations]


Hannah Feldman talked about her research, teaching, and advising that center on late modern and contemporary art and visual culture. Hannah is a core faculty in Middle Eastern and North African Studies as well as Comparative Literary Studies.

Hannah Feldman is author of From a Nation Torn: Decolonizing Art and Representation in France, 1945-1962, she was an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellow for the years 2015-2017, and is currently working on a new manuscript about temporality and historiography in and about art from the Levantine Middle East.

About the afikra Conversations

Our long-form interview series features academics, arts, ‎and media experts who are helping document and/or shape the history and culture of the Arab world through their ‎work. Our hope is that by having the guest share their expertise and story, the community still walks away with newfound curiosity - and maybe some good recommendations about new nerdy rabbit holes to dive into headfirst. ‎Following the interview, there is a moderated town-hall-style Q&A with questions coming from the live virtual audience ‎on Zoom.‎

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