Feature: What Was the Impact of the Hadrami Diaspora on the Malabar Coast?
Sapan Maini-Thompson
Original Date
July 1, 2018
Video coming soon!
My family is from India (not Kerala though) and having an interest in both Arabic and Indian history, I wanted to explore the interaction between these two spheres. I am especially interested in religious history and the spread of Islam in the pre-modern and early-modern world.
Sources & Future References
Asian Journal of Social Science
Converging cultures: the Hadrami diaspora in the Indian Ocean (Oxford Diasporas Programme)
The Hadrami Diaspora – Leif Manger
Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times - George F. Hourani, John Carswell
Aden & the Indian Ocean Trade: 150 Years in the Life of a Medieval Arabian Port - Roxani Eleni Margariti
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