What is the Evil Eye and Why is it So Powerful in the Arab World? [Student Presentation]
Dalya Kafity
December 3, 2022
Dubai International Academy
Dalya explores the evil eye and why it's powerful in the Arab world. She talks about its history and its influence on Arab culture and traditions.
Dalya Kafity is a Junior at Dubai International Academy, Dubai. She is one of the 6 Incredible students who participated in afikra Global Connect 3rd Cohort.
About Global Connect
afikra Global Connect is a one-of-kind 8-week course designed for high school students interested in exploring the Arab World's histories and cultures and connecting with other stellar leading students worldwide. Global Connect is supported by the University of Chicago’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies & the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
Sources & Future References
The evil eye: an obsession for most Middle Eastern families | Arab News
The Evil Eye and Cultural Beliefs among the Bedouin Tribes of the Negev, Middle East l JSTOR
Evil eye: Five ways people in the Middle East ward it off | Middle East Eye
Feature: What are the Origins of Arab Mysticism? [Community Presentation] — afikra | عفكرة