غزة: التاريخ الاجتماعي تحت الاستعمار البريطاني | أباهر السقا


محادثة مهمة وغنية بالمعلومات حول مدينة غزة. من ثقافتها الخاصة وتاريخها الواسع الى الأثر الزلزالي للاستعمار البريطاني. عمر ذوابه يحاور البروفيسور أباهر السقا، مؤلف كتاب "غزة: التاريخ الاجتماعي لغزة تحت الاستعمار البريطاني (1917- 1948)" الذي يرسم صورة حية للحياة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية في غزة منذ العصر المملوكي وحتى الاستعمار البريطاني. يسلط السقا الضوء على المدينة من عدسة التاريخ الاجتماعي وعلى الهوية المادية والثقافية المتعددة الأوجه لغزة وكيف تغيرت على مر العقود.

سجلت هذه .الحلقة في 26 أكتوبر

يرجى ملاحظة أننا نقوم بتسجيل حلقات بودكاست خاصة لفهم السياق التاريخي لما يحدث في فلسطين.

اطلع على المحادثات الأخرى الغنية بالمعلومات مع ضيوف من تخصصات مختلفة والذين يعطون من وقتهم ويشاركون رؤيتهم بسخاء في هذه الأوقات المظلمة

Gaza: A Social History under British Colonial Rule | ABAHER EL-SAKKA | afikra podcast

A timely and vital conversation about the city of Gaza: its rich history, culture, and the seismic impact of British colonial rule. Omar Thawabeh interviews professor Abaher El-Sakka, author of Gaza: A Social History under British Colonial Rule, 1917-1948 who paints a vivid picture of Gaza’s social, economic and cultural life from the Mamluk period through to the British colonial rule. He illuminates the city through a social history lens, shedding light on Gaza’s multifaceted physical and cultural identity and how it’s changed through the decades.

This episode was recorded on October 26.

Please note, we're recording special podcast episodes relevant to understanding historical context to what is happening in Palestine. Make sure to check out the other highly informative conversations with guests from completely different disciplines who are generously sharing their time and insight in these dark times.


Palestinian history and culture will not be erased. History warns us how media's dehumanizing rhetoric can pave the way for targeted aggression and allow society to permit atrocities as grave as genocide. It is resolutely within our mission to counteract this dehumanizing narrative. Afikra has always stood in unwavering solidarity with our Palestinian sisters & brothers and individuals of all nationalities and faiths around the world who bravely protest the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and condemn the state violence of the Israeli colonial settler project.

After the events of October 7, 2023 it felt impossible to go on with the podcast like business as usual. So we dedicated The afikra Podcast programming to special episodes relevant to understanding the historical context to what is happening in Palestine. Each episode was recorded in real-time and uploaded to YouTube and everywhere you get your podcasts. For most of these, the time of recording is key to understanding the context in which these conversations took place so make sure to refer to these and to check out all of these highly informative conversations with guests who are from completely different disciplines and have generously shared their time and insight in these dark times.

And as we entered the new year and the atrocities continue, we deemed it necessary to create an exclusive series dedicated to Palestinian history and culture. This is how this podcast came about and will continue to exist so long as the fight for liberation and peace continues.

see more from this series